Learn Some Fun New Words in Icelandic

Do you have a piggy bag stuffed away in the corner of your room where you are saving all the fast food money in hopes that someday you will backpack through the rich vastness of Iceland? NordicTrans is there, interested in translate Icelandic to English passion, right with you!

But in the meanwhile, let’s live our love for all things Iceland with our beloved friends.
Here's a list of English terms that were used from the Icelandic language and we all use them every day. We share because we want you to have as much of nerd happiness as we did about Iceland’s inheritance that we enjoy every day!

    Aloft: The word is a blend of two Icelandic words. NordicTrans can tell you that translate Icelandic to English conversion; Loft means ‘sky’ in Borse, and ‘á’ means on. So, rising to the sky is called aloft!
    Ransack: It is an Icelandic derivative, it comes from the word ‘rannsaka’ that means to search for a house. The word makes sense as ransack usually connected with searching within a house!
    Geyser: The world where the word geyser comes from is the world where the most beautiful and breathtaking ‘Geysir’ exist. That differently spelled ‘Geysir’ is of course Icelandic!
    Window: Yes, the window is an Icelandic word! It comes from a, now extinct, word ‘vindauga.’
    Slaughter: This is also a derivative of the Icelandic word ‘slátra.’ The word also means to slaughter.
    Husband: This beautiful word is derived from the Icelandic word ‘húsbóndi.’
    Happy: The word is derived from the Icelandic word ‘happ’ that means good fortune or good fate.
    The blunder: This word comes from the Icelandic word ‘blundra.’ It means to walk around with your eyes closed, and so you keep running into things.
    Scales: Yes, the scales are tipped in favor of your geek bravado as even our scales come from the land of Northern Lights! ‘Skál’ is an Icelandic word for bowl or drinking cup!
    Heathen: It comes from the word ‘heiðinn.’ The original Icelandic word was used to define people who lived in the open country or heathland.
    Yule: Spelled in Icelandic as ‘jól’ is a word that is used to represent Christmas in Nordic terms. Remember, Yule Ball in the Triwizard Tournament? This one also comes from Iceland language!

Those are a lot of words, aren’t they?! And NordicTrans list of translate Icelandic to English is just getting started. We have so many more words for you to make you feel like you have always been living with the Icelandic people your whole life and you didn’t know it!


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