Norwegian Words and Their Allure

The Norwegian language has one of the longest words in all European languages! They are practically capable of writing and entire sentence in one word!

You don’t get it, the words, how they connect and continue to communicate until one word can fill up a whole line. Nordictrans gets it; it is the complicated issue, take a deep breath and let us explain.

The words in Norwegian language join together in a linguistic trick and form longer words. They also have a wide variety of words because Norwegian comes from Old Norse that is the most ancient dialect in the world. The language has been developing for three thousand years; it does not have any shortage regarding the variety of words.
They are so detailed in fact that they have their variety of words to describe various shapes and forms of snow!

The sizes of snowflakes also get a name: if your snowflake is small, it will be called snøfjom. Snøflukse for larger snowflakes and if your snowflake is surprisingly large, then they are called snøkjerring.

The way snow s spread on land also gets various terms. Kram means wet, and slips are for slush; if there is an icy layer than that is called skare. Many resembling examples of words that describe the ice that falls in Norway the whole year are available.

Pålegg (per-leg)- The spread for your bread is called Palegg. Any and all kinds of ranges are included no matter how simple or elaborate. If you are using it is a spread it is called Palegg.

Koselig (pronounced koosh-lee)- The vast and all-inclusive meaning for the word cozy! You can mean lazy, comfortable, friendly and any other interpretation for cozy that comes to your mind. It will all fit into the word. Call a Norwegian’s home Koselig, and they will be happy because you just called their home comfortable.

Dugnad (du-nard) - The neighborhood volunteering is known as Dungad. It involves using all people around and you and not strictly speaking your neighbors alone. You can include all the surrounding people in the spirit of Dugnad, and they will all come. It is the community spirit in Norwegian that all share in Norway.
Nordictrans hopes you liked our list. We loved sharing the words and their meaning with you. They are great representatives of the ideology of Norway. Norway is hard working people and great to be a part.

We are here!
If you need any translations in the Norwegian language, then our services are here for you to avail. We are the best Norwegian translators in the system. We own the business for sixteen years, and we can tell you that the translation into Norwegian is our Forte. We are here if you need specialized services.

Call Nordictrans now, and one of our representatives will connect you to a great translator.


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