Danish to English Phrases; When in Denmark!

You are going to Denmark and you want to know how to say hello without wondering whether they will get you or not. We understand your problem but let us start with this simple fact; many Danes know English well. English is a fairly common language there and you will not find it hard to communicate in English to Danish translation of the language.
But here we are with a nice and long list of what we like to call, ‘the help words’. These are regular words that it is good to know along with their Danish pronunciation.
The Help Words!
Hello! Let’s start with an oldie but a goodie! Hello is called ‘Goddag/Hej’ in Danish. The word is pronounced as ‘Go-day/Hi’ in the language.
‘Goodbye’; now this one is easy enough. ‘Farvel’ is the Danish translation. But do not pronounce it as our farewell. It is pronounced as ‘Fah-vel’.
Yes! This is, by far, our favorite Danish counterpart ‘Ja’. It’s pronounced as ‘ya’. 
No! The word is written as ‘Nej’ and pronounced as ‘Nai’.
Thank you! This is actually a simple word. The Danish translation is ‘Tak’ and said as ‘Tack’.
Excuse me! This is a truly Danish counterpart. The Danish word for excuse me is ‘Undskyld’. It’s basically pronounced as ‘Un-school’ and is a purely Danish treat for you!
Sorry! Another truly Danish word for our friends! The Danish counterpart is ‘Beklager’. This one is pronounced as ‘Bi-clay-er’ and will make you sound like a real Danish person that we know you can be.
The real phrases;
Now we get to the good stuff. Small sentences that can help you get through conversations without any problems or complications;
You're welcome! ‘Selvtak’ is the official English to Danish translation word for ‘you are welcome!’ It is said as ‘Sell tack’.
Do you speak English? The sentence that you should know because you want to get through the day as well as roam around in the city. The Danish translation is ‘Taler du engelsk?’ The sentence will be pronounced as ‘Tai-ler do eng-gelsk?’
I don't speak Danish! Another sentence that you should know if you want to be able to speak to non- English speakers in Denmark. The Danish translation is ‘Jegtalerikkedansk.’ And its pronunciation goes like ‘Yai tai-leriggedansk.’
How much is it? Now that you are in the shop and the shopkeeper distinctly looks like a non- English speaker, we come to your rescue. ‘Hvormegetkosterdet?’ is the line you will say and it goes like ‘Vor my-et kaw-sta day?’
I'm just looking! This one is one of the good ones when a non-English speaking shopkeeper looks like he has promised himself that he will not let you leave without buying something, the Danish translation is ‘Jegkikker bare.’ It goes like ‘Yaikee-gah bah’.
NordicTrans has so many more English to Danish translation words for our friends. But maybe some other day, we will unload our passion for Danish phrases on you again! 


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